Like many people my friend D’s worry about being naked for the first time was being seen by someone she knew. The “what if I run into someone from the office and they see all of me” keeps lots of people from enjoying nature- without a bathing suit.
In this great article in the UK about a British couple tying naturism for the first time they had this to report when they took their clothes off for the first time in public.
“Your first reaction after disrobing is inevitable. ‘Is this OK? Is it legal? Am I going to get into trouble?’
You keep imagining a police officer suddenly appearing out of nowhere, covering you up with his truncheon (oo-er), followed by a public indecency prosecution.
What’s more, you find yourself glancing up at the people walking past, who are deliberately trying to avoid eye contact.
The British Naturist Beach Code (yes, really, it’s a thing) tells you to ‘avoid confronting or approaching textiles’ – the naturist equivalent of Muggles.
But soon you realize that no one is looking at you, just as you are not looking at them. The dog-walkers and strolling couples have eyes for the ocean, or each other. They’ve seen the warning signs promising Naturists Beyond This Point, and they’re still here – so they can’t care that much.” Read the full article here